Graphic design is here to inspire, inform and transform. Without it, brands are invisible and stories are untold. From print and packaging to branding and digital design… We can design almost anything because we can, and we love what we do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Developing a successful brand identity requires creating a serious strategy and considering the various elements that are key to determining the direction and style of the design. The Mineweb team analyzes your requirements and business goals, helps you define and improve everything related to the brand. From the name, visual identity, basic values, tone and way of communication, defining the mission and vision all the way to corporate material. Sometimes we also recommend rebranding, which is an excellent solution for modernizing the brand concept and a sign that you take seriously the importance of visual identity in business.
Logo Design
A logo is the first unspoken word of your brand that creates recognition and sets you apart in the market. A logo is the heart of every brand, a visual manifestation of its values, mission and essence. It is a symbol that tells a story without words, creating an instant connection with the audience. Through colors, shapes and design, the logo evokes emotions, recognition and trust. It is the first thing the client sees and the last thing that remains in their memory. Without a logo, a brand is like a book without a cover. A logo gives identity, strength and soul to your business. Start with it, but don’t forget the other elements of the visual identity.
POS and POP Design
Print Design
AI Design
Proces grafičkog dizajna
Definisanje ciljeva
i zahteva
Briefing: Prikupljanje informacija o projektu, uključujući ciljeve, ciljnu publiku, poruku koju treba preneti, tehničke specifikacije i rokove.Istraživanje: Analiziranje tržišta, konkurencije i inspirativnih primera kako bi se razumeli trendovi i stilovi koji odgovaraju projektu.
i brainstorming
Razvijanje ideja: Generisanje više kreativnih ideja i koncepata koji bi mogli zadovoljiti ciljeve projekta.Moodboard: Kreiranje moodboard-a sa bojama, fontovima, fotografijama i drugim vizuelnim elementima koji pomažu u vizualizaciji konačnog dizajna.
Izrada idejnog rešenja
Skiciranje: Izrada ručnih ili digitalnih skica (wireframe) kako bi se vizualizovale različite ideje i postavila struktura.Digitalni dizajn: Prelazak sa skica na digitalne alate (npr. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator) kako bi se izradili osnovni dizajni i mockup-i.
Odobravanje / korekture
Prezentacija dizajna: Prezentovanje idejnog rešenja.Revizije: Na osnovu povratnih informacija, prilagođavmo dizajn kako bi se postigao optimalan rezultat. Ovaj proces može uključivati nekoliko rundi revizija.
Finalizacija i isporuka
Finalizacija dizajna: Završne korekcije i dodavanje finih detalja kako bi dizajn bio spreman za upotrebu.Priprema za isporuku: Izrada finalnih fajlova u odgovarajućim formatima (npr. PDF, PNG, EPS) i njihova isporuka klijentu. Takođe može uključivati pripremu dizajna za štampu ili digitalnu upotrebu, u zavisnosti od specifičnosti projekta.
we do?
We design your brand identity, from corporate design and packaging design to digital environment and communication channels.
We coordinate all elements of your brand across different media, including printed materials and visual solutions for events, ensuring consistency and recognition of your brand.
We have a solution for all your challenges.
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